Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Catedral de Sevilla: It's really, really big.

We left Lisbon around 8pm on a night bus to Seville. We didn't realize it would be impossible to get a wink of sleep. The bus driver played loud music the entire drive, "to keep himself awake," and the bus didn't even have a restroom! We anticipated arriving in Seville around 8am, a good time to take a taxi to our hotel and leave our bags there until our room was ready. After about 15 stops, the bus arrived at 5am. It dumped us in a deserted bus station and I had no clue where we were. We managed to catch a cab to our hotel, but of course there were no rooms available. We sat in their little coffee shop, sleepless, dazed, until 7am breakfast. We were grateful to have a room available around 10am where we could take a little nap.

After our disaster of a journey, I didn't think we would have the energy to see anything very important. Still, we gathered ourselves up and went for a walk. As we passed by Seville's famous cathedral, (it's the largest Gothic cathedral in the world,) my mom insisted that we visit that day. Woozy, we payed the entrance fee and tried to pay attention to our audio tour.

"Let a church so beautiful and so great that those who see it built will think we were mad" is a popular quote that encompasses the motivation behind the building of the Catedral de Sevilla.

They didn't kid around.

My favorite part of the visit was climbing the 320 foot tall bell tower. My parents and I must have looked drunk, we were so tired, but the view was completely worth the climb!

The height didn't bother me this time around. It helps when there are railings though...

I had a great time working this high up. It gave me a whole new perspective on the cathedral.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. - Dorthea Lange

... so thank you, Claire, for teaching me to see higher and farther. =)